Zone Alerts
Zone Alerts (or virtual boundaries) are a very popular and effective feature. You may set up to 20
Zones at any one time. Zones can be set up around your child’s school, home, and
neighborhood or anywhere you designate. Once a Zone is created and activated on the Tracking
Portal, the Zone will remain set until edited or deleted. You may configure your Zone Alerts to be
delivered via Email to you and other designated Users. Once enabled, you will receive an Alert
whenever your child has entered or exited a Zone.
To set up a Zone Alert, log into the Tracking Portal, click the Alerts tab, and then click on the sub-
tab labeled “Zone”.
To create a Zone, do the following:
Type in an address or landmark (for example, maybe you only have the word Disneyland
or the Arizona Desert Botanical Gardens.)
Click “SHOW MAP”. A map will appear with a marker placed on the address or landmark
you specified. A shaded circle representing the radius will also be shown.
If the location of the pin on the map is not precisely where you want it to be, you can
move the pin. To adjust the location, drag the pin to your desired location and drop it. To
move the map, place your cursor outside of the circle and click and drag. The radius will
adjust automatically.