4. Maintenance an inspection
4.1 Maintenance
√ Check the water inlet and drainage often. The water and air inflow into the system should be suffi
cient so that its performance and reliability does not get compromised. You should clean the pool filter
regularly to avoid damage to the unit caused by clogging of the filter.
√ The area around the unit should be spacious and well ventilated. Clean the sides of the heat pump
regularly to maintain good heat exchange and to save energy.
√ Check if all processes in the unit are operational and pay special attention to the operation pressure
of the refrigerant system.
√ Check the power supply and cable connections regularly. Should the unit begin to function abnormally or
should you notice a smell from an electrical component, arrange fro timely repair or replacement.
√ You should also purge the water of the unit thoroughly and completely fill the system with water
before turning it on again afterwards.
Please, follow maintenance instruction for refrigerant gas according to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014
4.2 Trouble shooting guide
Incorrect installation may result in an electrical charge that could lead to death or serious injury of
users, installers or others by electrical shock and it may also cause damage to heat pump.
attempt to modify the internal configuration of the heat pump.
1. Keep your hands and hair clear of the fan blades to avoid injury.
2. If you are not familiar with your pool filtration system and heat pump:
Do not
attempt to carry out any adjustment or service without consulting your dealer, pool
professional or air conditioning contractor.
b) Read the entire installation manual before attempting to use, service or make adjustements to the
c) Wait for 24 hours afer the installation before start the heat pump to prevent damage to the compressor;
(if the heat pump has been transported and carried all the time with the feet down, it can be started
Note: Switch off the power before carrying out any maintenance or repairs.
the heat pump doesn’t work
the screen does not light up and the fan/compressor doesn’t make a sound
Possible cause
Not electrical power supply
Check power supply (wiring, fuses, ... ... ...)
the heat pump works normally but there is not or insufficient heating
the screen displays the temperature but no error codes
Possible cause
1.In sufficient capacity of the heat pump in proportion to the
size of the swimming pool
1. Install a larger size model or an extra heat pump.
Cover the pool to limit heat loss.
2. The compressor works but the fan doesn’t
2. Check the electrical wiring of the fan. Replace the condenser
or the fan motor if necessary.
3. The fan works but the compressor doesn’t
3. Check the electrical wiring of the compressor.
Replace condenser or compressor if necessary.
4. The heat pump has not been placed on an optimal location
4. Make for sufficient air circulation (see manual for details)
5. Faulty temperature settings
5. Set the correct temperature
6. By-pass not adjusted
6. Have the by_pass readjusted by the installer
7. Massive ice formation on the evaporator
7. Have the settings for automatic defrost control checked by
the installer.
8. Not enough refrigerant
8. Have the heat pump checked by a refrigeration technician.