8.3.1 Install Red Hat 5.X on an iSCSI Target
Prior to starting the installation procedure, remove the local hard drive if one exists. Only con-
nect the Ethernet cable for the iSCSI network.
To install Red Hat 5 software for iSCSI, follow these steps:
1. Power on the Target via the power switch on the chassis, and verify that your Target is
2. Insert the Telestra ASTi Software Installation DVD, and reboot by pressing the Reset but-
ton on the front of the chassis.
As the system is booting up, a splash screen with the following message displays:
Intel (R)
Remote Boot version
Copyright (c) .........
Press ESC key to skip
boot initialization
When this message appears, press the Esc key.
3. At the prompt, select
Alternate 5.X Installs
Figure 13: Alternate RHEL 5.X Installs
4. Select
RHEL 5.X using iSCSI Volume
Figure 14: RHEL 5.X using iSCSI Volume
5. Select your RHEL version.
: For ACE software versions 4.31 and lower, the prompt screen is different. At the
prompt, type the
target - iscsi
command, and press Enter.
6. When the system ejects the Telestra ASTi Software Installation DVD, remove the DVD.
Copyright © 2018 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
ACE Target and Studio Cold Start Guide (Rev. B, Ver. 0)