3.6 Setting speech outputs to a button
Adding assisting speech outputs to a button is carried out as follows:
1) Wake up the device by pushing a button from 0 to 9. The led of the selected page lights up.
2) Enter the programming mode by pressing C + D + E simultaneously; the Prog-led lights up.
3) Enter the assisting speech outputs setting mode by pushing the button 6. NB! You can add
maximum of three assisting speech phrases to one button.
4) Select the page, on which you wish to add a speech output, by pushing the number of the page
(numeric buttons 0–9). The led of the page lights up to indicate the selection.
5) Select the button, to which you wish to add a speech output, by pushing the number of the
page (0–E). The led of the button starts blinking to indicate the selection.
6) Select the speech phrase for the button by pushing a number (
). By pushing number
, you can remove all speech phrases of the button in question. You will always hear the
relevant phrase. Pushing the button E takes you to the next speech phrase, and pushing the
button D takes you back to the previous speech phrase. The phrases and their numbers are listed
in the (
appendix 2
7) After you have found the correct speech phrase you can select it by pushing the button A. By
pushing the button B the assisting speech phrases selection will be cancelled. After the selection
the device returns to action 5), wherefrom you can continue adding speech phrases.
8) By pushing the button C continuously for about 2 seconds you will return to action 2). By
pushing the button C again for 2 seconds the device will return to the standby mode.
3.7 Setting speech outputs to a page
Adding assisting speech outputs to a page is carried out as follows:
1) Wake up the device by pushing a button from 0 to 9. The led of the selected page lights up.
2) Enter the programming mode by pressing C + D + E simultaneously; the Prog-led lights up.
3) Enter the assisting speech outputs setting mode by pushing the button 7.
4) Select the page, on which you wish to set the speech phrase, by pushing the number of the
page (numeric buttons 0–9). The led of the page lights up to indicate the selection.
5) Select the assisting speech phrase for the page by pushing a number (
). By pushing
you can remove all speech phrases of the button in question. You will always hear
the relevant phrase. Pushing the button E takes you to the next speech phrase, and pushing the
button D will take you back to the previous speech phrase. The phrases are listed in the
appendix 2
6) After you have found the correct speech phrase you can select it by pushing the button A. By
pushing the button B the assisting speech phrase selection will be cancelled. After the selection
the device returns to action 4), wherefrom you can continue adding speech phrases.
7) By pushing the button C continuously for about 2 seconds you will return to action 2). By
pushing the button C again for 2 seconds the device will return to the standby mode.