CTR5000 Operating Instructions
ASL operating instructions, model CTR5000
Channel and probes
The CTR5000 needs to know what temperature conversion method (and coefficients) to use as
different channels are selected.
There is a fundamental difference between the F250 and
CTR5000. The F250 allowed coefficient data to be entered for a
channel. Th e CTR5000 is NOT the same. See below.
The CTR5000 allows the coefficient data (and units, etc) to be entered for one of 72 probes.
The probe is then assigned to a particular channel. Once assigned to the channel, the data
for that probe is used. This is a far more flexible system; probes may assigned or unassigned
at will without other entered data being lost.
When the channel is changed, the instrument will check to see if a probe number has been
assigned to the new channel. If it has, it will use the conversion method set-up for he assigned
probe. If no probe has been assigned, then the CTR5000 will only display the probes
resistance or use the default DIN90 conversion method to display temperature
The instrument will always use valid smart-probe parameters to
over-ride the assigned probe when a smart probe is detected
on a channel.
Any combination of Passive and Smart probes may be mixed on the CTR5000 and
When first supplied, for convenience only, Probe1 is attached to
channel 1(A) and so on for all the internal channels fitted.
Similarly, Probes 16 to 31 are attached to the first switchbox
channels. Default DIN settings are used.
There is no need to enter the maximum/minimum temperatures for the CTR5000. These are defined by the conversion
method. The screen will display a warning if the temperatures are outside the valid conversion range –e.g.
t > t