Values Required
OXY PURE Setting
A suffi ciently eff ective dose for most pools is 10 ml/m
per day. After several
days in operation, measure OXYPURE concentration using the hand tester and
change the dose, if required.
pH Setting
Considering that the ASIN AQUA Oxygen water treatment system is effi cient in
the broad pH range, it is useful to enter the required pH value equal to pH value of
water you refi ll or slightly lower.
Required pH value = refi lled water pH value
pH may change during operation but if it is in the range from 6.4 to 7.6, you do not
have to change this setting.
A suffi ciently eff ective dose for most pools is 10 ml/m
per day. If green algae
appear in the pool, you can increase the dose. After algae have disappeared, the
dose can be returned to 10 ml.
FLOC+C Setting
A FLOC+C dose follows the amount of circulating water fl owing through the fi lter.
Based on your circulating pump discharge (in m
per hour), adjust the FLOC+C
dose value. This value ranges from 5 to 20 ml per hour for most domestic pools.