Cordless telephone OfficeT
2006-05-24/ Ver. B
TD 92282GB
To subscribe to a Cordless telephone without speeding
up the subscription process
Networks » Subscribe
“Enter PIN:”, “BasePIN”, “Enter AC:” or “Subscr” is displayed.
“List Full” is displayed, when your Cordless telephone already has
eight subscriptions. In this case, you have to delete a subscription
before you can add a new one.
If requested, enter the PIN code for the phone and press
(See section “
Overview PIN and other codes
” on page 57).
“BasePIN:” or “Enter AC:” is displayed.
Enter the BasePIN or authentication code
Each digit of the BasePIN or AC number that you enter is shown
only as
for security purposes.
Press to confirm
The Cordless telephone now looks for a network in subscription
mode using the BasePIN or AC number to test if it is allowed to
Wait until
Subscription Ready
is displayed for a short time
The Cordless telephone is connected to the network. You can see
its internal phone number on the display.
If you get the following message, try to subscribe again:
“Subscription Failed:” the BasePIN or AC number you have
entered does not match the network BasePIN or AC number, or
the network cannot add another subscription.
Work 132
01-Dec 11:32