There is an ERT functionality that helps the users to configure the AHnet
address. To send AHnet commands to a unit, first do you need to
configure the AHnet address to individually send commands. Installing
the unit (monitor, microphone or other device), do you need to configure
a different AHnet address on each unit. The ERT has a utility that helps
the assignation of the AHnet address task.
First of all, note that this utility it is only available on devices that has
LCD screen configuration. The devices that has AHnet address rotary
switches, don’t have this functionality.
To activate this function, activate DIP2 on SETTINGS ERT switches, and
power the unit. The ERT will periodically send a special AHnet command
to configure the AHnet address on each unit. When the units receive the
special AHnet address configuration command, you hear a BEEP sound.
Pressing the UP button on unit cover plate, the unit configures her new
AHnet address. The configuration is incremental. First unit that the user
pres the UP button, gets AHnet address 1. Second, AHnet address 2...