Use the ETHERNET unit port to connect the ERT to your local network area.
Using this port, opens the 2002 ERT IP port, and send AHnet commands
to control the devices connected to RS422 ERT ports (AHnet1 and
AHnet2). The Arthur Holm or Albiral units, has an AHnet IN and AHnet
OUT port to easily install a RS422 BUS. Next figure shows a schematic
connection diagram.
The main device controller connects to the ERT interface using the local
network area. Just opening the 2002 ERT port, the main device controller
can send AHnet commands to the ERT interface, and the ERT sends the
AHnet commands to the units by the RS422 ports.
You can connect up to 60 units to the ERT using the two RS422 RJ45 buses
(30 units on each bus). Please, follow the respective user manual to
configure the AHnet address on each unit and to connect the unit to the
RS422 bus.