After I install the scanner, I plug in the scanner to the computer.
Nothing happened, why?
Possible reason is because your USB port is not yet enabled in the system
BIOS. Please contact your computer or motherboard manufacture for the
instruction on how to enable your USB port in the system BIOS.
It is hard to unlock the scanner. Why?
Plastic material may not be identical all the time when doing massive
production. Some conjunction parts may become unbalance. Try only
using a larger coin (like a quarter) to unlock the scanner while applying
some pressure when twisting the switch. If still no available, get a product
exchange from the retailer.
Scanner will not move after I press scan button on both the software
and the one touch button. Why?
Please try relocking the scanner and unlocking it again. Make sure the
scanner is fully unlocked.
Installed driver for the scanner, scanner appears to installed properly
in Device Manager. How come I still receiving error messages?
If you have other imaging devices like another scanner previously
installed, a digital camera, a web cam… etc. can cause conflicts between
each other. Try removing the previously installed imaging devices and the
scanner. Reinstall the scanner first. After scanner is confirmed to work
properly, install other imaging devices back.
Note: when removing devices software or drivers, ensure your will not
delete any shared windows component from your computer. The best way
is when Windows prompt out messages for some shared component
deletion, select no to all so Windows will retain those shared components
in your system.