International Declarations
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH
Äußere Frühlingstraße 45
94315 Straubing
Phone: +49 9421 5522-0
+49 9421 5522-99
Prüfbericht Nr. /
Test Report No.
TR-80986-44626-01(Edition 1)
Seite /
3 von /
Testing procedure and testing location:
Testing Laboratory:
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH
Testing location/ address ....................... :
Äußere Frühlingstr. 45, D-94315 Straubing, Germany
Tested by (name+ signature) ...... :
Stefan Weiherer
Approved by (name + signature) . :
Stefan Moser
Summary of testing:
The equipment under test in accordance with the conditions of acceptability complies with the
Conditions of Acceptability:
In order to verify, if a component is already tested according to the applicable standard (IEC)
following information-sources are accepted, in agreement with the customer: Copies of the type
approval test certificate, markings on a component, brochures and prospectus from the
manufacturer of the component, declarations of conformity from the manufacturer of the
component, and information from the customer; all information the test-laboratory receives will not
be verified.
All safety instructions and equipment marking has to be in the language which is acceptable in the
country in which the equipment is to be installed. Documentation, intended for service persons
only, is permitted to be in English language only, except Germany where also this information has
to be in the German language, too. The safety instructions are not evaluated in this report.
The evaluation of the EUT is based on the fact, that the EUT is used inside a building / house,
This safety test was performed without radiation test (clause 4.3.13). Please refer to separate test
report for EN 62479.
This safety test was performed without evaluation of mechanical parts of the system.
All marking shall meet the requirements of durability according to clause 1.7.11.
The power supply, shall meet the requirements according to clause 2.5 (LPS).