Recording Devices with Variable
Frame Rate (VariFrame) Support:
Put the camera in standby.
Set the recording device into record-standby mode
with variable frame rate (VariFrame) enabled.
Running the camera using the RUN button
automatically starts the recording.
Stopping the camera using the RUN button
automatically stops the recording.
Note: If variable frame rate (VariFrame) is disabled
on the recording device, the recording has
to be started and stopped according to the
instructions for devices without variable frame
rate support. For more information on camera
output configuration, wiring instructions and
information on variable frame rate (VariFrame),
see chapters 7: Camera Configuration,
8: Signal Connections and 15: Appendix.
To display a live camera image on the set
monitors without recording the signal:
Take the recording device out of record-standby mode.
Put the recording device into EE mode if
this does not happen automatically.
Note: Please refer to the recording system’s
user manual for detailed instructions.
Recording Devices without Variable
Frame Rate (VariFrame) Support:
Run the camera to provide a live image.
Start the recording on the recording device
or a connected remote control.
Stop the recording on the recording device
or a connected remote control.
Always stop the camera when no live image is
needed (e.g. during shooting breaks)!
This avoids premature mechanical wear of the
mirror shutter and extends the mirror shutter's
servicing interval.
Note: For more information on camera output
configuration and wiring instructions,
see chapters 7: Camera Configuration
and 8: Signal Connections.