Routine Maintenance
To preserve the life and efficient operation of the equipment it is important that the
equipment is properly maintained. Regular maintenance of the equipment is the
responsibility of the end user and must be performed by qualified personnel who
understand the operation of the equipment.
In addition to regular maintenance the following notes should be observed:
1. When not in use, the equipment should be disconnected from the electrical
supply and water should be drained from the sand tank and sump tank.
2. The equipment should be kept clean. Any build up of sand in the sump tank
should be removed to avoid damage to the circulating pump.
3. After use the tile drains and permeable membranes should be washed
thoroughly to remove any particles that may be blocking the filter material.
4. After prolonged use scale may build up on the inside of the glass panel
preventing a clear view of the water levels inside the sand tank. To clean the
glass it will be necessary to remove the sand then clean the glass using a
proprietary descaler.
5. At regular intervals remove the plug of open cell foam from the top of both
overflow pipes and wash them thoroughly to remove any particles that may
be trapped in the foam. When refitting the foam only partially insert it into the
overflow so that it can be removed again easily at a later date.