Where necessary, refer to the drawings in the
Equipment Diagrams
The apparatus must be set up in accordance with the Installation section.
Additionally, ensure that you have read the Important Safety Information at the
beginning of this manual.
Operating the PC Software
Details about operating the software can be obtained by choosing the ‘Help’ tab in
the top right hand corner of the screen as shown below:
Operating the Equipment
Switching on the unit
The unit is switched on using the switch on the front of the unit. The circuit breakers
and RCD device located at the rear of the unit should be turned on before hand. Both
the temperature controller and conductivity display should illuminate.
Filling the feed bottles
Unscrew the feed bottle caps and pour appropriate reagent solutions in using a
suitable funnel if necessary.
Operating the Hot Water Circulator
The hot water circulator vessel should be filled with clean water before use, and
drained after use if the equipment is not going to be used for some time. When in use
fill the vessel by pouring clean (preferably demineralised) water into the vessel until
the level is approximately 30mm from the top. Click the ‘Hot Water Circulator’ button
to operate the circulating pump then continue topping up the vessel until the level
remains constant approximately 30mm from the top. Replace the lid on the circulator.