AZI Customer Service 800-528-7411 or 602-470-1414
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Mercury Transfer
CAREFULLY pour the mercury into the center of the FTK mercury vessel’s opening.
ENSURE that no mercury residue is on the outside of the vessel. See the supplier’s
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or call AZI Customer Service at 1-800-528-7411 or 1-602-
470-1414 for clean-up instructions.
INSTALL the stopper assembly into the FTK mercury vessel carefully, to prevent
breakage of the thermometer.
PRESS the stopper assembly into the FTK mercury vessel to achieve a good seal.
USE the 431-X instrument to verify that the outside of the vessel is not contaminated and
the mercury vapor emission level, if any, is below the OSHA TLV for mercury.
ALLOW the vessel to adjust to room temperature for at least two (2) hours before using.
The temperature range for the test is 16 - 24 °C. Avoid temperature fluctuations.
Do not use the FTK mercury vessel as a portable container. If the FTK mercury
vessel is upset or greatly agitated, mercury droplets will cling to the thermometer
stem, the rubber stopper, the mouth of the FTK mercury vessel and the needle guide.
Replacing Mercury
An oxide coating will form on the drop of mercury and will cause lower readings in your testing.
Gently swirl the vessel to disturb the outer oxidized surface of the droplet. If this does not
restore higher readings, it may be necessary to replace the mercury.
Carefully remove the stopper assembly from the FTK mercury vessel.
Carefully pour the mercury into a disposal vessel.
Replace the oxidized mercury with approximately ½ cc fresh mercury. (AZI P/N A2600-
Do NOT use the syringe for measuring liquid mercury. Dispose of oxidized mercury
Reassemble the FTK mercury vessel.
Reinstall the stopper assembly.