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To access the menu of Customizations press P3 for 3 seconds. The menu is as follows:
Time and Date:
Menu which allows to set Date and Time. Press the P4 and P6 to select hours, minutes or days of the week. Press
P3 to enter edit (cursor blinking), P4 and P6 to change the value of the selected variable. Press P3 to save the
setting and P1 to exit.
The functioning of the controller is managed with functioning states, each one is characterised by the control of
the system’s main functioning parameters, such as the exhaust temperature, the room temperature, security
intervention and operating errors occurring.
Functioning states in Pellet Modality
Off, Check Up, Ignition, Stabilization, Recover Ignition, Run Mode, Modulation, Standby (Extinguishing or
Maintenance), Safety, Extinguishing, Block
Functioning states in Wood Modality
Off, Run Mode, Modulation, Standby (Extinguishing or Maintenance), Safety, Extinguishing, Block
The system guarantees the security and alarms reading in each state.
If the parameter
=1 and Safety High Voltage 1 contact (Safety Thermostat, pin 11-12) is open, the augers and
the fans are disabled and the system goes into Extinguishing with error message Er01.
=1 and the boiler water temperature exceeds the Boiler Thermostat
, in Extinguishing and Recovery
Ignition the augers and the fans are disabled.