Aria-130 Digital Key Telephone System
Issue: 1.2
Installation Manual
A. ARIA-130 Digital Key Telephone System
The ARIA-130 Digital Key Telephone Systems are wired and full digital hybrid Key Telephone system,
designed to meet the telecommunication needs for large and medium business offices respectively.
B. WTIB (Wireless Terminal Interface Board)
The WTIB provides standard interface between the ARIA-130 Digital Key Telephone system and DECT
network, and can be optionally equipped with WTIU for expanding base stations. The system can
WTIBs which support up to 4 base stations each.
The WTIB should be plugged into slot 1 through slot 6, and should be installed at the same KSU in
case of installing two WTIB.
WTIU (optional)
The WTIU is an optional board for cell expansion. If it is added to the WTIB, the system can support up to
4 base stations more.
C. Base Station (GDC-330B)
The base station should be installed indoors and protected from surge because it is designed for
indoor station.
The base station is used commonly in the GDK/LDK WOTS Series system. It has a RF(Radio Frequency)
Module(transmitter and receiver) that handles communication with wireless terminals through the air link.
It should be connected to ARIA-130 system via WTIB.
Each base station provides similar coverage for a particular area call as a cell, and supports five
simultaneous calls (five traffic channels). However, since individual wireless terminals are not continuous
in call, the system may support more than five wireless terminals:
In ARIA-130 system, Maximum 80 wireless terminals can be registered.
Base stations may be mounted on walls or desktops up to 600 meters away from the ARIA-130 WOTS
using twisted 2-pair unshielded cable (0.5
, AWG 24). They are remotely powered (DC 30 volts) by the
The number of base stations used in a system depends on the area to be covered and the traffic density.
The typical in-house coverage is a 40 meter radius. In practice the cell size may vary between 10 meters
indoor in worst case situation and up to 200 meters outdoor in free space.
D. Wireless Terminal (GDC-33xH, 340H) : GDC-330H & GDC-335H & GDC-340H
It is designed for ease-to-use. The LCD shows various call-information, and the keypad has a 12-dial pad
and additional keys that facilitate wireless terminal.
E. Single Slot Charger (330-SSC & 340-SSC)
The battery of a GDC-33xH is charged by a 330-SSC and The battery of a GDC-340H is charged by a