sTArTup And sEAsonAL mAinTEnAncE
Label all wires prior to disconnection when
servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause
improper and dangerous operation. Verify
proper operation after service.
Use qualified service agency for annual inspection of
boiler and heating system.
Set boiler operating temperature to designed heating
water temperature by adjusting potentiometer dial
located on top center of controller (Figure 4). Adjust
arrow on temperature adjustment dial to water
temperature required.
Boiler is equipped with high-limit temperature
device set at 200° F as safety limit control.
High limit temperature device has automatic
reset function will reset at 170° F.
Turn on hydronic block circuit breaker at service
entrance and/or disconnect switch, depending on
option, and 15 amp circuit breaker on hydronic block.
Set one thermostat above room temperature. Circulator
pump will now operate.
Check system again for leaks. Allow circulator pump to
run until all air has been vented from system. gurgling
or rushing sound indicates presence of air.
Hydronic block will start to produce heat. Listen for
air passing through system as water temperature
increases. Water pressure will rise somewhat as
temperature increases - this is normal as long as the
pressure remains less than 25 PSIg.
Hydronic block is now ready to be put into service
Verify hydronic block circuit breaker or switch at service
entrance and, depending on option, hydronic block
circuit breakers within unit are in "Off" position.
Only propylene glycol can be used in heating
system to prevent freezing. Recommendation
is maximum 40% or less propylene glycol
mixture to ensure proper operation of electric
Fill heating system with water until pressure is 10-15
PSIg. Check for leaks, repair if necessary, purge all air
from system.
Failure to vent and keep air out of heating
system will result in damage to heating ele-
ments in hydronic block. Damage of this type
is not covered by manufacturer's warranty.
your Argo AT Boiler will work
with standard and programmable
setback thermostats.
Some programmable thermostats
may cause boiler control T-T LED
to flicker on and off when there is
no call for heat, your thermostat
will require an external 24V power
supply (transformer) and isolation
relay or Argo AR822 control.
1. Install thermostat on inside wall five feet above
2. NEVER install thermostat on outside wall.
3. Do not install thermostat where it will be affected by
sunlight, drafts, televisions, lighting fixtures, hot or
cold pipes, fireplaces, or chimneys.
4. Instructions for final adjustment of thermostat
(adjusting heating anticipator, calibration, etc.) are
packaged with thermostat.
Recommended setting
for heating anticipator is 0.1 amps.