Flying (General)
Now that you’ve selected a suitable flying area you’re
ready to fly! And when making your first flights we suggest
following these steps:
•With the mode switch is 6-axis mode (down) slowly raise
the left-hand/throttle stick to increase the speed of the main
rotor blades and until the model begins to lift off.
raise the stick too quickly as the model could climb too
fast causing you to lose control and/or make contact with
the ceiling or other objects above (this is one of the most
common ways for many pilots to crash the first time!).
• Lift the model approximately 20–24 inches (50–60
centimeters) off the ground and concentrate on ‘balancing’
the throttle stick position so the helicopter holds a steady
hover altitude. It may also be helpful to make a few short
‘hops’ to an altitude of just a few inches until you’re familiar
and more comfortable with the control inputs and trim
settings required to maintain a steady hover and altitude.
However, keep in mind that when only a few inches off
the ground you’ll be in ‘ground effect’ which will cause the
helicopter to move around more than it typically would at
approximately 20–24 inches of altitude.
• You’ll find that it sometimes takes minor throttle
adjustments to maintain altitude in hover. Remember to
keep these adjustments as minimal as possible as large
adjustments could result in a loss of control and/or a possible