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Summary of Contents for Chronos FP 110

Page 1: ...lectronic fication er y s s 14 2 in 11 6 in 3 2 oz N40 in Micro 500mA 3 6 min 1S 3 7V 4 chan 4 in 1 r 1 360mm 295mm 90g nstalled Coreless i Ah 1S 3 7VL n dependi V LiPo AC i nel 2 4GHz receiver 2 In x...

Page 2: ...nin the LiPo F the Transm er Details nal Mix Trim er Dual Ra ntrols and T and Remo nit Initializa ntrol Test a Flying A eneral tdoors er and Rec Support a ment Parts View Parts View of Cont and Warnin...

Page 3: to electroni ot specifica ortion of the and Wa 3 multi rotor ronos FP 11 y and mane n the basics er than simi o 5 7 mph y ding featur us a lightwei t of the box o fly right ou n battery sa se also...

Page 4: ...ity ma Des ely Chr M4 ely AA 500 1 Ce on 110 RT xclusively fo ontrol mach above can l cuit fire ele ded hnically be c tial to follow ble for the s es that this Directives ay be consu scription onos FP...

Page 5: ...ransmitt Po flight ba trol unit to i take off fro el land on a e LiPo flight e transmitt Comple ist rst Flig everything OT intende as a quick s eeding ontents a suitable ou ght battery ries in the t e...

Page 6: ...y st 100 F Do no possible If re ngs and 6 ies are sign ons All inst r personal in LiPo batter nditions ple mmediately 5C LiPo Bat harged safel read the fo battery a safe area ended at an bservation t...

Page 7: ght ture a low v e power lev amount of b even at ful to prevent o battery re bsequent fl ell 1S 3 7V 1 V AC Charge using a non ifferent LiPo n fire result flight batte le 110 240V powered on e batt...

Page 8: ...d fo n the discha ast flight 8 e charger se tery will be ours to fully battery is fu owing solid d and ready our model w ely 30 45 m evity of the b t approxima r it will take eve this volt e it is rec...

Page 9: the compartme e transmitte ght hand co indications ed with a low ce the AA ba M4LPH Micr gital trims a mitter B 9 ack of the tr ove the batt em as indica ent cover d er by switch orner should conf...

Page 10: ...ual for m displays a va mitter is trimmer kn of the trans ng betwee you to fin lp prevent ng to the l bing descen Mix Trim ft hand corn ail motors P ion right hand c ron and elev more inform ariety of...

Page 11: ...ow nd with the f the helicop o the left tu nate the dr ter is drifting eeded to mi p and the b e rudder tri eft or right T e additional d near the smitter is High HI o known as ileron and en the LED i...

Page 12: ft hand stick s will not sp Increasing t he rotor blad e ground you tly as neede Trimmi 12 ontrols of th nd before pr ols both the k also know in Moving the speed R des by lowe u can maint ed so th...

Page 13: th y in the eve ult in dama unit wh ontrol unit stick to the This is acco mmediately el output va e to maintai ver we do n ntered posit se the throt ower it he throttle MMEDIATELY e strike Fa e mi...

Page 14: ...out a flight b l Mix Trimm can be mad 14 urn yaw th by increasin below the le to the left e if the nos e lever to th r rudder con ost FP Fixe hout a flight may find it n but typically mer Knob se de...

Page 15: ...h ward will pit shed by hav mmediately forward or example if t g the lever d 15 tor pitch fo opter down hand servo tch the tail o ving the elev y to the left backward w the helicopt downward u re aft...

Page 16: ...e mmediately b ght when ho fts to the rig ter hovers a 16 oll the helico on left han roll the heli aileron lef below the r overing and ght when ho s level as po opter to the nd servo pu copter to th f...

Page 17: ...after caref d the hook a with a comp GHz receive with LEDs t he steps yo oving the tion Ar 17 d it s ready t he canopy away from t terial on the g the include fully discon and loop str pact and adv r...

Page 18: ...e LCD irst flight o ator and aile 18 S turn the tr t Never con first And a trol unit be set in the l to lower th nd or the gy possible pos ght hand st sticks as you positions of trol sticks w ositions...

Page 19: ...ORE CONNEC of the batte le to make re keyed to ssible to ma to the contr correct pola o achieve th ed to the co rapidly then TERY IS CON ATE THE HE NITIALIZATIO rotate the h on calibrati and or prev m...

Page 20: ...he 20 d red k red slowly heck to be s ry voltage p control unit the receiver this manual connect the nk red slow or flight ed and arm mation secti the motors ing is clear o wly and just en note the nd...

Page 21: ...hborhood a ays that are flying only in light winds d your line o he helicopte own outdoo for more in on days whe Area 21 oors or out p paces and c r low time p erly trim th el is significa g club to...

Page 22: ...a few sh rtable with de Howeve ffect which oximately 20 inor throttle ts as minima ssible crash evel hover to see if any ng in various onal control settings usin location an l s drifting to nal mix t...

Page 23: ...lf stabilizing rotor head design releasing all of the other controls will allow the helicopter to return to a stable hover on its own given enough time and space IN THE UNFORTUNATE EVENT OF A CRASH OR...

Page 24: ...lade er output an d RPMs of th opter can los This is espe upwind wit single rotor and self leve better to all vel before a flight espec orward and ron and or ard angle to giving back nd become come in...

Page 25: ...purch antee applie or functio e uty of care ndling and m act your loca e product y t sending to onsignor Pa vice departm ocessing fee of the repa ceiver B and Ser 25 ng the receiv These steps ZSH1258...

Page 26: ...___ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______...

Page 27: ...s t Parts L LiPo 0 5A 1 l 1S 3 7V 15 Unit Rx ES tal Servo Le tal Servo Ri tal Servo Ar tal Servo Ge 4 Channel L with Pinion G os FP 110 nkage Set C ade Grip and ade Set 1 p th Rotor Hea Chronos F 2 5m...

Page 28: ...r Head Linkage Short 2 AZSH1261 26 Main Rotor Blade Head Mixing Arm 2 AZSH1262 27 M1 7x6mm Screw 12 AZSH1262 or AZSH1273 28 Main Rotor Blade 2 AZSH1263 29 Main Rotor Blade Grip Upper Part 2 AZSH1262 3...

Page 29: ...Explod ded Vie ew 29...

Page 30: ...___ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______...

Page 31: ...___ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______...

Page 32: ...ns at the m 32 w Ares R 2013 ZSH1250M atures and nic Electro gasse 1 1 sterreic 43 0 1 98 43 0 1 98 w robitroni FX061 aterials an dispose the unicipal co Rev 06 30 13 C com 2EU design are nic GmbH A 1...
