RE. ENR.110 - Rév B – le 15/03/2014
page : 8
Chap.3 - Put into service
a) Unpacking the unit
Upon receipt of the equipment, check the status and content of your package. All of the following
elements must be present in the package :
- 1 generator
- 0.5 liter of Oil for models CH1, CH2
- 1 capstan consists of 4 delivered arms removed
- 2 connectors G1/2 (supplied as standard unless otherwise specified)
- 1 manual
Check that there isn't damage or breakages during transport. If there are missing items, please
immediately notify AREMECA or your local distributor for what is missing.
b) Installation
Preferably, install your unit in a stable and controlled environment
You will get better performance if :
> the temperature and humidity of the room
are stable,
> the workstation is clean and dry,
protected from drafts, noise, vibration,
and without passing
Component Identification
1 : capstan
2 : axis of rotation
3 : clamping knob
4 : connector
5 : valves (A, A’ and/or B)
6 : sidesteps
7 : filler cap
Installation / Assembly (P < 2000 bar)
- Install pressure generator on a established stable an rigid about 0,90 m tall.
- Adjust the stability of the generator through sidesteps
- Insert the capstan
on the axis of rotation
, screw the clamping knob
to the axis of rotation
- Remove the yellow caps protections pressure connections.
- Make sure the O-rings are positioned in their throats.
- Place the two adapters rotating nut
on the connectors.
- Make sure that o-ring are well positioned.
Installation / Assembly (P >2000 bar)