RE. ENR.110 - Rév B – le 15/03/2014
page : 10
Turn the capstan
in the direction of clockwise until reaching the end stop before running to purge
air from the system.
Turn the capstan
dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à atteindre la butée de fin
de course arrière.
The pressure generator is ready to use.
d) Test run after installing
Perform a calibration test instrument with a "test" known correct (see chapter procedure) to verify
and validate the operational statues of the pressure generator
Noted : During calibration of instruments with a large volume, the amount of fluid in the pressure
generator may not be sufficient to achieve the desired pressure. in this case the instrument must be
filled as much as possible before being connected to the generator to reduce the useful volume of dluid.
> As an alternative, we provide you with a
hand pump Ref. OP0158 with a reservoir
volume of 327 cm3
Lower the pressure by turning the capstan in the opposite direction of the clock hand and remove the
instrument "test". If necessary use the key to start unscrewing the rotating connector
The device is now ready to use.