AutoPatch Operation
The optional AP1 Autopatch board provides for full autopatch operations, including reverse patch that allows for programming of the
controller from the phone line. Please refer to the AP1 Autopatch Manual for programming and operating instructions
Command Macros
Command Macros serve several purposes:
To execute many different functions with one single command. This allows the owner to program multiple controller functions
to take place by the entering of only one command.
To generate and direct speech messages. This are generally used for such things as Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
messages that the scheduler uses.
To generate DTMF digits and direct them to a Port. This is very useful for sending commands to a remote site linked by radio
or for use with an EchoLink or IRLP node.
To remap controller functions so they'll be available without having to first unlock the controller. By default, the RC210 will not
accept commands unless one of the 3 ports is first unlocked. By remapping controller functions in a macro, these functions are
made available without having to first unlock a port. This is how you provide commands for your general users.
There are 2 types of Command Macros - "Long" and "Short":
Command Macros 1 to 40 can store up to 15 functions each
Command Macros 41 to 90 can store up to 4 functions each
Typically, Command Macros 41 to 90 are used to remap functions and you can include up to 4 functions in a single one of these
macros. Remember however that there is nothing preventing you from using ANY Command Macro you like to accomplish this, but
most RC210 owners will probably want to reserve the Long Macros for those things where many functions are to be done with a
single command. This is however, totally up to you.
Some important things you need to remember when programming Command Macros:
Any Macro Command Function that is numbered higher than 255 requires two Function positions.
Any Macro Command Function that is numbered higher than 509 requires three Function positions
Any Macro Command Function that is numbered higher than 764 requires four Function positions
Each macro may be assigned its own unique command code, so you can define one of your own choosing. See the Programming
Reference section of the manual on how to program both the macro codes, as well as the macros themselves.
Macros may also be called from the Scheduler and the Alarms to automate commands. See the Scheduler and Alarm sections in the
Programming section of this manual for details. Finally, you may manually recall the contents of any Command Macro and the controller
will read back those contents.
Macro Subset
It is possible to program a smaller contiguous range of Command Macros, known as a Macro Subset. This Subset can be defined as
any contiguous number of Command Macros. For example, you could define this Subset to be Macros 1 through 15. Or perhaps
Macros 40 through 80. It is totally up to you how large or small this Subset should be. Once programmed, you can selectively enable
and disable them as needed. For example, let’s say you have Macros 10 through 15 defined as your Subset and they contain only the
most basic of functions; the intent being to limit your users to only these functions overnight. During the day, they can have access to all
your Macros. You enable Subsets with a Macro Function and disable them the same way.
You could also do some trickery with a tone decoder and an Alarm input to restrict users without tone to only the Subset of Macros. But
if they hav
e the proper tone, they’d have access to all. It’s totally up to you how you want to use this feature!
Message Macros
There are 40 Message Macros (or 70 if the optional RTC is installed. See the RTC Manual for details), each of which is capable of
storing up to 9 words (or DVR tracks) of speech and can be used in conjunction with any Command Macro. These are typically used to
provide a message that reflects the action taken by a Command Macro.
For example, you might have a 2 meter remote base connected to Port 2 and you've defined a Command Macro to link Port 2 and Port
1. You could include a message such as "2 Meter Remote Base Link On" by using a Message Macro. Or perhaps you want a
scheduled message to be sent at the top of each hour..
ID Extras
ID Extras allow you to add various "phrases" to the Voice ID Messages. These ID Extras allow you to include such messages as "Good
Morning/Afternoon/Evening (automatically selected by the controller for the appropriate time of day), the time of day or date before OR
after the actual ID. See the Programming section of this manual for details.
Summary of Contents for RC210
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