5. Ab Piston
Sit in the V position with legs raised off the ground
and leaning back. Hold your AQUATUBE horizontally
and raise up and down in a piston motion.
You can also perform this
exercise with your heels
on the ground if you find
raising them too difficult.
Sets & Reps
For b est tra ining b enefits, 2 sets of 12 rep s p er exerc ise w ith a 60 sec ond rest b etween sets
is rec om m end ed . However longer rec overies a nd fewer rep s c a n equa lly b e a p p rop ria te.
If you a re find ing it too c ha lleng ing to c om p lete 2 sets of 12rep s, then use less wa ter or try a n
ea sier set of exerc ises.
The unique exercise concept of exercising with AQUATUBE is Flow Resista nce Tra ining – you’re
exercising with a resista nce (the weight of the wa ter) but you’re a lso exercising with a moving
resista nce a s it flows – which delivers grea ter benefits.
Don’t forget to cool down!
Get Fitter Faster
1. Sidewinder
2. Speed Skater
From sta nding, hold your AQUATUBE a t chest height, lunge forwa rds a nd swing your AQUATUBE
to the side until it is pa ra llel with the floor. Repea t by lunging with the opposite leg a nd swinging
your AQUATUBE to the opposite side.
Sta nding bent over, bend the knees a nd lea n forwa rds until your AQUATUBE is below the level
of your knees. Twisting a nd pivoting from the wa ist, swinging your AQUATUBE up to one side a nd
ba ck to the 6 o’clock position, controlling the movement throughout. Repea t on the opposite side.
All exerc ises use the Na tura l g rip
5b. Ab Piston (alt)