1. Lunge Flip
2. Half Windmill
Perform a lunge, holding
your AQUATUBE vertica lly
out in front, turn your
AQUATUBE 180°, so your
opposite ha nd is now on
top a nd then rota te ba ck
to the sta rting position.
Repea t for both legs.
From sta nding hold your AQUATUBE a t thigh height, “windmill” your AQUATUBE up to a nd a bove
the hea d a nd ba ck down. Ma ke sure your AQUATUBE sta ys pa ra llel to the floor a nd stops a t the
6 o’clock position. Repea t in the opposite direction.
3. Golf
4. Ka yak
From sta nding, hold your
AQUATUBE a t thigh height,
swing your AQUATUBE to the left
in a simila r movement to a golf
swing, turning from the wa ist,
bring ba ck down.
Repea t for both sides.
From sta nding position hold your AQUATUBE a t chest height. Ma ke a pa ddling a ction, bringing
one side down by your side a s if you were pa ddling a ka ya k. Repea t on the other side.
All exerc ises use the Na tura l g rip