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ISACQ240C(ENG)-0 Rev. 311007-0
Via dell’Industria, 20 - 42025 Cavriago (RE) Italy Tel.: +39 0522 494403
Fax: +39 0522 494410 http:\\www.aquatronica.com E-mail: [email protected]
Overview of error messages
Error messages
Cosa fare
Impossible to activate the GSM module: Contact the
The power cable is
unplugged or the power
supply unit is not work-
ing properly
Check that the power cable is
connected to the SMS module;
if the connection is OK, replace
the power supply unit
Problem configuring GSM: Reset the SMS module. If
the problem persists, contact AQUATRONICA. ERR02
Internal error
Reset the module; if the prob-
lem is not resolved, contact
AQUATRONICA customer service
GSM network communication problem. Reset the SMS
module. If the problem persists, contact AQUATRONI-
The BUS connection
cable is damaged or
connected incorrectly
Check that the BUS cable is
connected properly; if the BUS
cable is damaged, replace it
ATTENTION: a new SIM has been inserted or the PIN
entered is incorrect: please insert correct PIN. ERR04
Incorrect input of PIN
protection code
After reading the message,
press the “Enter” key; the mod-
ule will go to the troubleshoot-
ing menu
The message centre number is incorrect or not present:
please enter it. ERR05
Incorrect input or no
message centre code
After reading the message,
press the “Enter” key; the mod-
ule will go to the troubleshoot-
ing menu
The SIM is locked with PUK code: please en-
ter the PUK code to unlock your SIM Card. ERR06
Incorrect input of PIN
protection code 3 times
in a row
After reading the message,
press the “Enter” key; the mod-
ule will go to the troubleshoot-
ing menu
The GSM network is not available: change the module’s
position and reset it. ERR07
The module does not
receive the GSM net-
work signal
Reposition the module so GSM
network reception is possible
The SIM is not correctly positioned in the box: Check
its position. ERR08
The SIM card is incor-
rectly positioned
Reposition the SIM card cor-
rectly inside its box
ATTENTION: The GSM module is not powered correctly
by the relevant network power supply unit. Check con-
nection. ERR09
Incorrect or no connec-
tion of network power
supply unit
Check: that the power supply
unit is correctly connected to
the module; that the outlet the
power supply unit is plugged
into is active; that the green
LED on the power supply unit
is on
Impossible to reset the battery charge state ERR10
battery having a voltage
different than what is
necessary for correct
operation of the module
has been inserted
Insert a battery with appropri-
ate voltage (9 volt) and run
the new battery recognition