Site Name:
Change in ownership since last inspection?
Debris and Oil
1. Remove two (2) 15 inch diameter metal covers to Trash Shelf and Pretreatment Chamber
2. If oil is present in Pretreatment Chamber, measure its depth. Clean liquids from system
3. Remove all debris from nearby curbing, Curb Inlet, Trash Shelf and Pretreatment Chamber and any oil with Vacuum system, basket or net if any present
4. Return metal covers prior to departing site
Note: Water in Pretreatment Chamber can appear black like oil due to the dark body of the surrounding structure. Oil appears
darker than water in the system and may be accompanied by debris (e.g. Styrofoam, etc.) with obvious signs of oil stains.
The depth of oil can be measured with an oil/water interface probe, a stadia rod with water phylic paste,
a coliwasa, or by simply collecting a representative sample with a jar attached to a rod.
Sediment Accumulation
Make measurements in Pretreatment Chamber by:
1. Lower measuring device (i.e. stadia rod) into Pretreatment Chamber through service access provided
2. Record distance to top of sediment pile (in):
3. Record distance to base of Pretreatment Chamber (in):
4. Calculate distance to sediment minus distance to based (in):
5. Schedule cleaning if value in step 4 is six (6) inches or more.
6. Remove accumulated sediment and water from Pretreatment Chamber by Vacuum system
1. Remove tree grate to expose tree trunk, 3-inch mulch layer and top few inches of underlying soil biomedia
2. Remove any debris or other materials in the top portion of the chamber
3. Remove mulch layer and top few inches of soil biomedia as needed by manual shoveling or Vacuum system
5. Replace removed mulch and biomedia as needed being careful not to significantly disturb tree
6. Replace tree grate prior to departing site
7. Contact AquaShield™ Maintenance Department for replacement biomedia, mulch tree grate or metal covers at 888-344-9044.
1. Through access port above Trash Shelf, observe Underdrain Pipe and Outlet Chamber
2. Use vacuum snake to insert in Underdrain Pipe to remove any accumulated sediment
3. Remove any accumulated material in Outlet Chamber by Vacuum system
4. Replace metal cover prior to departing site
Owner Address:
Owner Phone Number:
Emergency Phone Number:
Inspector Name:
AquaShield™ Bio-Filter™
Inspection - Inlet, Trash Shelf & Pretreatment Chamber
Maintenance Items
Inspection and Maintenance Manual
(Note: Attach certifications for local regulatory authority including any applicable fees.)
Owner Name:
Site and Owner Information
Inspection - BioFiltration Chamber
Inspection - Underdrain Pipe and Outlet Chamber
I and M Manual
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