US (866) 877-6637 |
CAN (866) 766-3426 | aquascapeinc.com
Warranty Information
Aquascape warrants that the AquaBlox
will be free of manufacturing defects for 10 years from date of purchase.
Proof of purchase required. Warranty does not cover damage resulting from negligent handling, misapplication,
misuse, or lack of reasonable maintenance for care. If upon Aquascape’s inspection, the AquaBlox shows evidence
of a manufacturing defect, Aquascape’s liability is limited, at Aquascape’s option, to the repair of the defect,
replacement of the defective product, or refund of the original purchase price. The warranty excludes costs of labor,
removal of product, shipping and expenses related to the installation and re-installation of the product. No liability
for loss or damage of any nature or kind, whether arising out of or from the use of the product, whether defective
or not defective, is assumed by Aquascape, Inc. or its affiliates. Aquascape shall not be liable for any incidental,
consequential or other damages arising under any theory of law whatsoever.
For more information about our company or products, please visit our website at aquascapeinc.com
or call us at US (866) 877-6637 CAN (866) 766-3426
©2021 Aquascape, Inc. • All Worldwide Rights Reserved
29918 • 04/21