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Rainwater Harvesting Water Storage Kits
• The following diagrams include the storage basin dimensions, AquaBlox
configuration, and location of the Snorkel
and Centipede
Overflow location and design are dependent on the site characteristics. See install overflow Rainwater Harvesting
section of instructions for more information. Basin sizes listed for each storage kit are approximations. It is recommended
to lay out AquaBlox
and position of Snorkel
Vault prior to excavation in order to determine actual excavation dimensions.
Please note an addtional 6" is recommended per side for free-draining backfill.
500 Gallon System, 6' x 9' x 4' Finished Basin,
16 AquaBlox
, 4 x 4 configuration
Side View of 500 Gallon System, 4' Deep
1000 Gallon System, 6' x 9' x 5' Finished Basin,
32 AquaBlox
, 4 x 4 Configuration, 2 Layers
Side View of 1000 Gallon System, 5' Deep
1500 Gallon System, 8' x 9' x 5' Finished Basin,
48 AquaBlox
, 4 x 6 Configuration, 2 Layers
Side View of 1500 Gallon System