12 | © 2017 Aquaglide
IMPORTANT: Proper anchoring is essential to the safety and performance of your
product. Due to the wide variety of conditions, we advise using a professional
skilled in mooring and anchoring, and experienced with local conditions. If improp-
erly anchored, the product can move and/or float away. North Sports, Inc. is not
responsible for any damage, injuries or losses due to improper anchoring.
NOTE: There are 3 heavy duty anchor rings and a short bridle underneath the
Rockit. These rings are centered on the bottom side of the Rockit™ Main tube.
Due to the high loads that may be generated, you must use All 3 of these rings to
spread the load and properly secure the product under normal conditions.
Here are some general guidelines for anchoring your product. These guidelines are
not intended to replace the need for professional installation.
1) Choose a location for your Rockit. Place the product in at least 6 ft. (1,83m) of
water depth and in an area protected from the wind and boat traffic. Review your
lake rules and restrictions with your local authorities.
2) Carefully check the water and seabed below the selected area for sharp or dan-
gerous objects (i.e. rocks or stumps).
3) Keep a safe distance from docks, boats, boat lifts, and any other structures. DO
NOT tie the product to a dock!
4) Anchors and anchor chain are sold separately. We recommend a MINIMUM of
200 lbs. (90kg) for short-term anchoring of the Rockit in settled conditions. Heavier
and/ or multiple moorings (350 - 500 lbs. [135 - 227kg] or more) should be used on
large, windy bodies of water.
5) Attach anchor chain securely to the anchor. Use a buoy tied to the other end of
the chain to easily locate your anchor.
6) When the product is in place, remove the buoy and shackle the anchor chain to
the anchor rings underneath the product. BE SURE TO ALLOW enough slack in
the anchor chain to allow the product to move in wind or waves without displacing
your mooring.
7) If strong winds or storms are expected, it is best to remove the product from the
water and secure or store it.