❸ Use
3.1 I Operati ng principle
The hydraulic cleaners connect to the fi ltrati on system (either to a sucti on line or a skimmer); they use the fi ltrati on
pump’s energy to move around the pool. The wall climbing capacity varies according to the shape of the pool and the
available water fl ow.
The debris is sucked in by the cleaner and captured in the fi ltrati on pump's fi lter basket or in the Cyclonic
Leaf Catcher
(accessory included or available as an opti on depending on the model).
3.2 I Pool preparati on
• The device must operate in pool water with the following quality:
Water temperature
Between 15°C and 35°C
Between 6.8 and 7.6
< 3 mg/ l
• When the pool is dirty, especially when fi rst installing your cleaner, remove the largest debris using a telescopic pole
and net prior to installing the cleaner.
• Remove any thermometers, toys and other objects that might damage the device.
• Aft er adding chemical products to the water, wait at least 4 hours before putti ng the cleaner into the water.
• Make sure that the fi ltrati on and the skimmer baskets are clean.
• Aim the pool return lines downward if adjustable.
• Close the pool’s main drain line.
• Turn off the fi ltrati on pump off .
3.3 I Operati ng
Do not expose your hair, lose clothing, jewellery, etc. to the open end of the hose.
To avoid serious injury, make sure the fi ltrati on pump is turned off .
3.3.1 Connecti ng the fl ow regulator valve and immersing the cleaner
• Insert the Twist Lock hose fl oat onto the fl ow regulator valve (see image )
• Immerse the cleaner so that it fi lls up with water.
• When there are no more air bubbles escaping from the cleaner, connect the hose by inserti ng the fl ow regulator valve
onto the cleaner (see image )
• Wait unti l the cleaner descends to the bott om of the pool.
3.3.2 Filling the Twist Lock hose assembly
• Disconnect the Twist Lock hose assembly to the sucti on line or skimmer temporarily.
• Turn on the fi ltrati on pump.
• Fill the Twist Lock Hose assembly with water by placing the open end in front of a pool return line unti l it is fi lled.
• Turn off the fi ltrati on pump and connect the Twist Lock Hose assembly to the dedicated sucti on line or skimmer.
• Turn on the fi ltrati on pump on to acti vate the pool cleaner.