To prepare the pool for the installa:on of the Aqua-Excellence Sani:zer and De-Chlorinator
the pool should be built as a freshwater pool. A chlorinator is not necessary unless copper
plumbing will be used downstream from skimmer. Although the system works well with all
filters, the sand filter is the easiest system for the customer. Follow installa:on instruc:ons
provided in this manual. Allow new pools to “cure” at least 30-45 days prior to running water
through the sanita:on system. This allows :me for building material residue and debris to be
removed from the system. The sanita:on and de-chlorina:on system should be used once the
pool is established a running as a chlorine pool.
Problem: My pool water has a greenish hue color.
Solu:on: 1- Check to make certain the bypass sevng is not ac:vated. 2- Check the PH level.
If the PH level is way is below 6.6 or higher than 8.6 it can cause the copper element in the
system to oxidize and give off a greenish :nt or hue to the water. Correct the PH level and
allow the system to run un:l water color corrects. 3- Make certain only one (1) chlorine tablet
is placed in the skimmer. Using mul:ple tablets will affect the PH Level. 4-Nitrates from
fer:lizers will turn the water green with any type of pool system. Make certain water runoff
from fer:lized grass, flower beds and pooed plants does not enter the pool.
Problem: The pool water appears cloudy.
Solu:on: 1- Check to make certain the bypass sevng is not ac:vated. 2- Filter not
backwashed or rinsed as needed. 3- This may be an accumula:on of dead bacteria that needs
to be removed. Backwash or rinse the pool filter then make certain there is at least one (1)
chlorine tablet in the skimmer. 4- Aner large amounts of rain or exposure pets and high
swimmer ac:vity it may need a rare treatment of chlorine shock. Shock the pool in the
evening or aner swimmer ac:vity and allow the system to run overnight to breakdown
chlorine. If you are allergic to chlorine, check for chlorine levels before entering the pool. If
there is s:ll presence of chlorine allow the system to run un:l all chlorine is removed.
Problem: The pool system seems to have slowed or pressure has increased.
Solu:on: 1- Make certain the bypass system is not ac:vated. 2- Backwash or rinse the filter
system. 3- The riser tube may have become clogged by debris that passed the cartridge filter.
Disconnect the sanita:on system head from the bypass assembly. Connect garden hose to