13. Maintenance and care instructions
Regularly check the system on possible leaks and observe the water
level. If you use the coolant we specified, it is sufficient to exchange it
once a year. Since our sets are exclusively closed cooling circuits, an in-
trusion of air oxygen is not to be expected. This is why the possibility of a
biological pollution is very small.
You can check the condition of the coolant through the Plexiglas lids of
the coolers and in the profiles of the aquaduct. If there is any pollution
you should exchange the cooling medium.
In operation, the pump is maintenance free. All the gaskets in the system
have to be exchanged if they are visibly worn out, after 5 years at the
latest. You can get spare gaskets from us or let us do the exchange.
Also check the hoses for changes in material regularly. Should they get
brittle or have scratches you should exchange them.
Care instructions for all Plexiglas components:
Never use solvents (e.g. alcohol, methylated spirit) to clean the
Plexiglas parts! Solvents damage the Plexiglas and can cause tears or
breaks in the Plexiglas. If a Plexiglas component should get into con-
tact with a solvent, you should exchange it to keep the operation
safety of the cooler. Damages caused by solvents may become visible
some time after the contact. Suitable spare parts are available from
After you read this manual completely, we wish you a successful installa-
tion of you water cooling system and hope you will enjoy our products.
If you do have any more questions we will be happy to help you per e-
mail or in our support-forum.
© 2007
Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
- 25 -
Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen