A high resolution USB camera is attached to the robot and used to take pictures of the DUT.
The detected electromagnetic emission intensity is color coded and then superimposed on the
picture taken by the USB camera prior to the test.
RF Amplifier
In cases where signals are too weak to be detected directly by the spectrum analyzer, an
external RF amplifier may be required.
FD Module
FD Module is used to analyze the feedback from the DUT in order to detect an upset or
failure. It is also used to operate variety of hardware, such as relays, call box, and power
supply for DUT rebutting in order to return a DUT in its normal operating mode after failure.
The TLP box produces a very fast pulse that emulates the fields produced by an ESD event.
Understanding the Terminology
A software package that allows user to set
scanning area parameters, create a test
scenario, identify the location and number of
test points, control data collection, facilitates
interpretation and visualization, and provides
a built in report generation functionality.
SmartScan Workspace
A file that contains many projects.
SmartScan Project
It contains the information about the test
performed on the DUT, together with
analyzed data.
FD Module
A Failure Detection module (software)
integrated into SmartScan V5.0 that is
responsible for failure detection and DUT
control for ESD Immunity test.
FD Project
A project that contains specific FD and DUT
control settings for FD Module.