Search and Playback
Recorded File
Recorded video and audio data can be saved as AVI format on the disk.
In general, one AVI file is created for an event in case of event-based recording. However, it is
possible that recorded data, caused by series of events happening quickly and continuously, may
be merged to a single AVI file. (depending on pre/post event time settings.) The size of file is
limited to 10 ~ 200MB or 10 minutes.
In case of continuous recording, AVI files are created in series and the size of each is limited to 10
~ 200MB or 10 minutes.
A file currently being recorded doesn’t appear until it is completed. In case of Continuous
recording, a file will be shown after 10 minutes from the start of recording, for a file is generated
every 10 minutes.
Search Page
button on the
setup page. Dates with recording data will be shown as
First, choose the date to be searched and the list of AVI files will be shown.
The file name shows the date and time: “
Date Begin Time End Time.avi
to move back to the page with date list.
Selecting an AVI file will show a dialog for opening or saving the file