7. S/W Images
This section allows users to easily upgrade the Firmware of the ANT-4000E
To upgrade the firmware use the Browse button below to locate the new Firmware file
on your computer
Once the F/W file is selected click UPLOAD. This will cause the ANT-4000E to upload
the file into temporary memory. This may take several seconds
Once the UPLOAD process is finished the web page will show a WRITE TO FLASH
box as shown below.
Pressing WRITE TO FLASH will cause the ANT-4000E to save the file to its Flash
WARNING! Once you press this button do not unplug the power lead as
this may cause the system to be corrupted and may not recover or function
correctly. Make sure the Firmware file is correct before pressing UPLOAD TO
Once UPLOAD TO FLASH is pressed the system will take several minutes to
write the file to Flash and then reboot. Do NOT UNPLUG the system at this time
or make any further changes until it has rebooted fully (All LEDs illuminated and
as a minimum LED1 and LED2 illuminated permanently if video is not connected
or a decoder is not connected) Allow 5 minutes for this take place.
Browse to
Firmware file
to upload FW file
Write to Flash
Firmware to be written to