Operating manual DC6AT
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1.3.2 Proper use
The DC6AT series drive controllers are electronic controllers for control and adjustment of
variable speed permanently excited DC motors
The drive of the series DC6AT is intended for installation in switching cupboards or cabinets
for drive systems.
Drive systems incorporating the regulator DC6AT comply with EG-standards for EMI when
installed per the directives for CE-typical drive systems.
The CE-typical drive systems with these voltage changers are intended for
– operation on public and non-public networks.
– use in the industrial area as well as in residential and business areas.
The drive regulators are not household devices; they are intended for the construction of
drive systems for commercial use.
The drive regulators are not machines according to the EG-directives for machines.
The converter is only to be operated under the operating conditions stated in this operation
Before installing the device, read this manual from beginning to end and follow the directions
stated herein: Store this manual near the drive regulator for future reference.
1.3.3 Disclaimer
The information, data and instructions contained in this operating manual were up-to-date as
of the date of publication. No claims may be made in respect of inverters delivered previously
on the basis of statements, illustrations/photos or descriptions contained in this operating
The process-specific instructions and circuit extracts contained in this manual are recom-
mendations. Their applicability to the task in hand must first be verified.
The firm ANTEK –GmbH assumes no liability for the suitability of the processes described
and the suggested circuits contained herein.
No liability will be assumed for damages or malfunctions caused by:
disregarding this operating manual
unauthorized modifications made to the drive regulator
operator errors
improper working on and with the drive regulator