Antares 44i Owner’s Manual
Revised March 26, 2012
Page 8 of 35
Your Warranty 1-2
NOTE: The warranties for equipment may include registration and service activities
to maintain eligibility. The various manufacturers’ manuals provided in the Owner’s
Kit should be reviewed for these requirements, as part of the familiarization process.
The Manufacturer shall be responsible for the reasonable repair or replacement of
deficiencies resulting from defects in workmanship for material for which the Manufacturer
is responsible for a period of one (1) year from date of delivery.
With respect to components or equipment of other manufacturers or suppliers installed on
the yachts, the Manufacturer shall assign the available manufacturers or suppliers
warranties, the Manufacturer will cooperate with and assist the Purchaser with respect to
any such warranty claims, but otherwise the Manufacturer gives no other warranty or
representation as to such components or equipment. The Purchaser must comply with the
requirements of such manufacturers or suppliers as contained in their warranty policy and
the Manufacturer assumes no responsibility for such conditions or compliance therewith.
The Manufacturer’s warranty is limited to reasonable repair or replacement of defective
parts and will only be carried out at the place of manufacture or such other places within
continental North America as the Manufacturer may specify. The Manufacturer is not
responsible for transportation to the place of repair. The warranty applies only so long as
the yacht is used solely for private recreational use and does not apply to any yacht which
has been put to any charter or other commercial use and also does not apply to any
damage caused by accident, misuse, act of God, collision or storm, or directly or indirectly
resulting from modifications, improvements or additions made by the Purchaser. The only
Manufacturer’s warranties are those set out herein and the parties hereby waive any other
warranties including, without limitation, any warranties implied or assumed by the custom
of the trade or by the law of any jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the terms contained herein:
The Manufacturer will not be held responsible for damage incurred due to chartering
the boat or negligence on the part of the owner, charterer or charter management
service, nor for any cosmetic damage as a result of heavy traffic or abuse by
The Manufacturer agrees to be responsible for the repair or replacement of major
construction defects in the hull and deck for a period of five (5) years from the date
of delivery, provided no unauthorized structural changes have been made by the
owner or other third parties. The Warranty below the waterline against osmotic
blistering is for five (5) years when Interprotect 2000 epoxy undercoating is
specified, this provides a sliding scale of coverage as follows;
Year 1: 100% of cost to repair the affected area.
Year 2: 90% of cost to repair the affected area.
Year 3: 80% of cost to repair the affected area.
Year 4: 70% of cost to repair the affected area.
Year 5: 60% of cost to repair the affected area.
This sliding scale does not apply to areas above the waterline, any standard graphics
or optional metallic graphics.