IGMP Configuration
The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is an i nternal protocol of the Internet
Protocol ( IP) s uite. IP m anages multicast tr affic by us ing s witches, r outers, a nd hosts
that s upport I GMP. E nabling I GMP al lows the por ts t o d etect I GMP q ueries, report
packets, and manage I P multicast traffic t hrough t he s witch. I GMP hav e t hree
fundamental types of message shown as follows:
A m essage s ent from t he q uerier ( IGMP r outer or s witch)
asking f or a r esponse from e ach host b elonging t o t he
multicast group.
A message sent by a hos t to the querier to indicate that the
host wants to be or is a member of a given group indicated
in the report message.
A message sent by a hos t to the querier to indicate that the
host has quit being a member of a specific multicast group.
The switch supports IP multicast. You can enable IGMP protocol via setting the IGMP
Configuration page to see the IGMP snooping information. IP multicast addresses are in
the range of through
IGMP Protocol:
Enable or disable the IGMP protocol.
IGMP Query:
Select the IGMP query function as Enable or Auto to set the switch as
a querier for IGMP version 2 multicast networks.