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G.FIT User Guide and Specification, Rev 2.0_Alpha.14
Version Numbering
Version numbers in GFIT will be formatted as: [Major].[Minor][Build Version Letter][Build Version Number] .
The version string can be retrieved from the library by calling gfit_get_version_string() API or it can be
retrieved from the NP by issuing a serial request (0xE1) for the version s tring (0xC0).
B - "Build"
Example: 4.00B00
This is the default letter for all normal, full version builds.
B indicates that it will work on GFIT modules and has the appropriate license. Normally, the letter su ffix will
be followed by 00 but this may be incremented to indicate minor non-API breaking bug fixes.
E - "Evaluation"
Example: 4.00E00
This letter indicates that this is the evaluation version of the G.FIT Netw ork Processor application. This
network processor can be run on the SK (Starter Kit) modules only and only for evaluation purposes.
A - "Alpha"
Example: 4.00A07
This letter indicates that this is an Alpha version.
Alpha versions are occasionally sent to customers for evaluating new features. Note that a version number
such as 4.00A07 means that this is the 8th alpha build before version 4.00.
I.E. features which appear in version 4.00A07 will appear in 4.00B00 when they are approved.