InstaCal Module
The Anritsu InstaCal module can be used in place of discrete components to calibrate the
Site Master. The InstaCal module can be used to perform an Open, Short and Load (OSL)
or a FlexCal calibration procedure. Calibration of the Site Master with the InstaCal takes
approximately 45 seconds (see Calibration, page 3-2). Unlike a discrete calibration compo-
nent, the InstaCal module can not be used at the top of the tower to conduct load or inser-
tion loss measurements. The module operates from 2 MHz to 4 GHz and weighs eight
Anritsu recommends annual verification of the InstaCal module to verify performance with
precision instrument data. The verification may be performed at a local Anritsu Service
Center or at the Anritsu factory.
Annual Verification
Anritsu recommends an annual calibration and performance verification of the Site Master
and the OSL calibration components and InstaCal module by local Anritsu service centers.
Anritsu service centers are listed in Table 1-2 on the following page.
The Site Master itself is self-calibrating, meaning that there are no field-adjustable compo-
nents. However, the OSL calibration components are crucial to the integrity of the calibra-
tion and therefore, must be verified periodically to ensure performance conformity. This is
especially important if the OSL calibration components have been accidentally dropped or
ESD Precautions
The Site Master, like other high performance instruments, is susceptible to ESD damage.
Very often, coaxial cables and antennas build up a static charge, which, if allowed to dis-
charge by connecting to the Site Master, may damage the Site Master input circuitry. Site
Master operators should be aware of the potential for ESD damage and take all necessary
precautions. Operators should exercise practices outlined within industry standards like
JEDEC-625 (EIA-625), MIL-HDBK-263, and MIL-STD-1686, which pertain to ESD and
ESDS devices, equipment, and practices.
As these apply to the Site Master, it is recommended to dissipate any static charges that
may be present before connecting the coaxial cables or antennas to the Site Master. This
may be as simple as temporarily attaching a short or load device to the cable or antenna
prior to attaching to the Site Master. It is important to remember that the operator may also
carry a static charge that can cause damage. Following the practices outlined in the above
standards will insure a safe environment for both personnel and equipment.
Mode References
The term “VNA” in reference to the Site Master denotes cable and antenna analyzer modes.
The term “SPA” in reference to the Site Master denotes Spectrum Analyzer mode. All other
modes are referenced individually.
Chapter 1 General Information