Downloading Antennas
All ten antennas can be downloaded to the PC from the instrument. This allows for modifi-
cations to the antenna factors of an antenna or the addition or deletion of available antennas
from the list. The antennas can then be uploaded to the instrument.
To download the antennas:
Connect the RS232 cable between the PC and the instrument.
Verify that the instrument is sweeping at a minimum sweep rate of 5 sec-
Select the
Query Antenna Factors
button in the Antenna Editor.
Modify the desired antenna(s), then upload again as required.
Cable List
A custom cable list can be created in Software Tools and uploaded to the Site Master. Some
standard 1000 MHz, 2000 MHz, and 2500 MHz cables are stored in the Site Master and are
listed in Appendix A of this User’s Guide.
The cable list contains vital information such as propagation velocity (Vp) and insertion
loss (dB/m or dB/ft). These parameters are important when identifying faults and disconti-
nuities of transmission lines.
NOTE: Values for the cable list are taken from manufacturers specifications.
Complex digital communications systems may require adjustment to attenua-
tion values at the higher frequencies. Contact the manufacturer for the appropri-
ate cable losses.
The Cable Editor is specifically designed to provide contractors, service providers, and net-
work operators with a list of cable types that are tailored to their use.
To open the Cable Editor, select the
menu and select
Cable Editor
To open an existing cable list file, select
. Select the desired cable list and
Creating a Custom Cable List
To create a custom cable list:
Select the
menu and select
Type in or cut and paste the cable types and specifications for the desired cables.
Uploading a Cable List
After custom cable list has be created in Handheld Software Tools, it can be uploaded to the
Site Master. The serial communication null modem cable must be connected from the Site
Master to the PC.
In the Cable Editor, select
Upload Cable List
. The software will confirm the up-
load with a message "
Upload Complete
" when the operation is finished.
Chapter 10 Handheld Software Tools Program