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Step 3: Activating your System
1) Your Mobile Alert Phone will prompt you and guide
you through the remaining setup.
2) When your Mobile Alert Phone has sufficient charge, it
will say “Hello, it’s time to test your system to make
sure it is working properly. Please press and hold your
EMERGENCY Call Button for
three seconds now to allow us to
confirm that your system is
working properly.”
3) Press and hold the
for three seconds. You will hear
a tone and when you RELEASE
the button, the RED lights around
the EMERGENCY Call Button will
turn ON. At this point, the
Mobile Alert Phone will
announce “Dialing the Emergency Call
Center now. To
cancel this call, press and hold the EMERGENCY Call
Button for thre
e seconds now.”
4) If the call is not cancelled, you will hear a ring-back
sound from your Mobile Alert Phone and an operator
from the call center will answer your call.
5) The microphone is at the bottom of the Mobile Alert
Phone. Be sure that your hand is not covering the
microphone when you speak with the call center