Modero S Series Touch Panels - Configuration & Programming Manual
While not necessary, creating video windows with width, height, and origin being multiples of 16 is a good practice. If the width
and height are not multiples of 16, video could be cropped asymmetrically by the boundaries of the button.
The MXA-MPL only supports 2-channel stereo audio over HDMI.
Notes On Using the ^SDM and ^SLT Commands
Based on the user’s pages, the touch panel receiving video from an MXA-MPL will initiate that video feed as necessary, based on the
button receiving the video. However, if you are changing video resolution or mode, using the
commands may be
necessary to start and stop the video. To do so:
Use the
command first, with an empty URL value to stop the video.
If this does not work, use
with the URL value of "".
If neither of these options, work, then and only then use
to start and stop the video.
In early firmware versions,
were used to start and stop video coming from the MXA-MP. These
commands are still available but using them is not recommended, as the stream is started and stopped automatically when a
button that contains MXA-MPL video fill is displayed, and stopped when it is no longer in view. Showing/hiding the button state
containing MXA-MPL video (e.g. via page flip, popup hide, or button state change) is the recommended way to start and stop MXA-
MPL video. However, if it becomes necessary to stop video while the button is displayed on screen (for example, if resolution needs
to be changed), then the
command should be used to start and stop the video.
If a button containing MXA-MPL video must be left on screen, try the following options:
SEND_COMMAND 10001:1:0,"'^SDM-10,1,'"
(stops MXA-MPL video)
SEND_COMMAND 10001:1:0,"'^SLT-1,videomode=hdmi,640x480p@30'"
(changes MXA-MPL video resolution to 640x480 with a frame rate of 30fps)
SEND_COMMAND 10001:1:0,"'^SDM-10,1,udp://'"
(restarts MXA-MPL streaming)
When using the MXA-MPL for displaying live motion streams, make sure to use the supported resolutions with the video input
type. While the MXA-MPL is capable of supporting up to 60 Hz, the Modero X panels that use MXA-MPL only support 25-30 Hz.
Streaming Video, MXA-MP/MPL Commands
Note: It is highly recommended that the ^SDM commands be used to start and stop video from the MXA-MPL rather than the
commands below. The SDM command will issue the start/stop to the MXA-MPL, as well as starting/stopping the decoding side on
the panel. The "audiovideoenable" command above can be used to set the audio/video option that will be invoked in the
processing of the ^SDM command.
MXA-MPL Start stream. Tells the MXA-MPL to start streaming video or both audio and video (default=video, or the mode set by
the "audiovideoenable" subcommand above).
MXA-MPL Stop stream. Tells the Breakout Box to stop streaming.
Query the value of any status field reported by the MXA-MP/L, such as version, serialNo, macAddress, inputInfo, streamInfo,
type. Response is a custom event as follows:
CUSTOM.VALUE1 = Message ID (echoed 'id' value from query)
CUSTOM.TEXT = Value of the status field specified by 'statusField' in the query