Modero S Series Touch Panels - Configuration & Programming Manual
Button Commands (Cont.)
Invert the joystick axis to move the origin to another corner. Parameters 1,2, and 3 will cause a bargraph or slider to be
inverted regardless of orientation. Their effect will be as described for joysticks.
• Syntax:
"'^GIV-<vt addr range>,<joystick axis to invert>'"
• Variables:
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
joystick axis to invert = 0 - 3.
For a bargraph 1 = Invert, 0 = Non Invert
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^GIV-500,3'"
Inverts the joystick axis origin to the bottom right corner.
Change the bargraph upper limit.
• Syntax:
"'^GLH-<vt addr range>,<bargraph hi>'"
• Variables:
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
bargraph limit range = 1 - 65535 (
bargraph upper limit range
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^GLH-500,1000'"
Changes the bargraph upper limit to 1000.
Change the bargraph lower limit.
• Syntax:
"'^GLL-<vt addr range>,<bargraph low>'"
• Variables:
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
bargraph limit range = 1 - 65535 (
bargraph lower limit range
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^GLL-500,150'"
Changes the bargraph lower limit to 150.
Change the bargraph ramp-down time in 1/10th of a second.
• Syntax:
"'^GRD-<vt addr range>,<bargraph ramp down time>'"
• Variables:
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
bargraph ramp down time = In 1/10th of a second intervals.
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^GRD-500,200'"
Changes the bargraph ramp down time to 20 seconds.
Change the bargraph ramp-up time in 1/10th of a second.
• Syntax:
"'^GRU-<vt addr range>,<bargraph ramp up time>'"
• Variables:
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
bargraph ramp up time = In 1/10th of a second intervals.
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^GRU-500,100'"
Changes the bargraph ramp up time to 10 seconds.
Change the bargraph slider color or joystick cursor color. A user can also assign the color by Name and R,G,B value
• Syntax:
"'^GSC-<vt addr range>,<color value>'"
• Variables:
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
color value = Refer to the RGB Triplets and Names For Basic 88 Colors table on page 90.
• Example:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^GSC-500,12'"
Changes the bargraph or joystick slider color to Yellow.
1 = Invert horizontal axis
2 = Invert vertical axis
3 = Invert both axis locations
0 = Normal