Welcome To FileTransfer2
Welcome To FileTransfer2
The FileTransfer2 application gives you the ability to queue a list of files to transfer to various
NetLinx and Axcess devices, without launching NetLinx Studio.
FileTransfer2 supports the following capabilities for file transfers:
Ability to select the Platform type (NetLinx or Axcess).
Ability to set the username and password for NetLinx masters that have security enabled.
Ability to send/receive via USB (for USB enabled) devices via a Virtual NetLinx Master
(VNM) connection.
Ability to send/receive files via TCP/IP and RS232 protocols.
FileTransfer2 recognizes the following file types for transfer:
APW (NetLinx Studio Workspace)
AXW (NetLinx Studio Export-to-Go)
FTL (File Transfer List)
The FileTransfer2 User Interface
The FileTransfer2 user-interface consists of a single main window (FIG. 1), separated into two tabs
(Send and Receive) and a Transfer Status Window.
FIG. 1
FileTransfer2 User Interface