Using FileTransfer2
Using FileTransfer2
The basic steps for using transferring files to and from system devices are:
Sending Files To System Devices:
Adding Files To The Files To Send Queue
Configuring Communications Settings for Transfers
Device Mapping
Transferring the Files
Receiving Files From System Devices:
Adding Files To The Files To Receive Queue
Configuring Communications Settings for Transfers
Device Mapping
Transferring the Files
Step 1: Adding Files To The Transfer Queue
Before files can be sent to or received from system devices, they must first be added to the Transfer
Queue in either the Send or Receive tab (select a help topic):
Adding Files To The Files To Send List
Adding Files To The Files To Receive List
Using the Quick Load Dialog
Use the options in the Quick Load dialog to specify which file types (of the files included in a
selected Workspace file) to add to the Files To Send queue.
There are several possible ways to access the Quick Load dialog:
Click the
Quick Load
command button.
If there is not already a Workspace file open, then the Quick Load dialog will indicate
that no (zero) projects are open (no Project file/file path indicated in the top text field, and
"New Workspace: 0 Project(s)" indicated in the main window. You should first open a
Workspace file, then use the options in the Quick Start dialog to select the files within
that Workspace file to add to Files To Send queue. Without having a workspace file open,
you cannot select files for transfer via the Quick Start dialog.
By default, FileTransfer2 opens the Quick Load dialog when a Workspace file is opened
(via the Load Workspace button, or the File > Open Workspace/AXW/FTL File menu
option. With at least one Workspace file open, the options in the Quick Load dialog allow
you to specify which of the files contained in the Workspace file(s) to add to the Files To
Send queue:
The Quick Load dialog is not used for receiving files.