All ranges must be within the specifications
outlined in Chapter B.
There are no adjustments
necessary for all other ranges.
Contact AMPTEC’s
customer service department if further technical
support is necessary.
F-3-5. 620LM Igniter Tester Diode Test
The diode test function of the 620LM Igniter Tester
is for checking diodes. To do this, the voltage
compliance output of the constant current supply is
increased and the voltage sensitivity of the
voltmeter section is decreased.
Using the RS232C interface select the diode test
function on the 620LM Igniter Tester. Connect the
rear panel measurement test wiring to a 14 KOhm
resistor (0.10% ). Adjust RV4 for a reading / display
of approx. 1.9800 +/- .0100. When connected to a
diode such as a 1N4148 or 1N4001 in one direction
you should get a reading of about .2700 which is the
typically half the voltage drop of the diode (
divided by 2
). A reading of .2700 x 2 = 0.54 V. In
the opposite polarity you should get flashing zeros
which indicates “overrange” (out of compliance