Option 401: Handheld Single Probe Leads
Option "401" is a 620 series compatible handheld
probe (one black probe & one red probe ) lead set
terminated in
single points
. The OP401 handheld
probes allow for easy access to connector socket
wiring (i.e. drone parachute squib sockets), recessed
surfaces, and parts (i.e. flares) that alligator clip
leads simply would not work well with.
Option “500” Optically Isolated Analog Output
Option “600” Optically Isolated Binary Coded
Decimal (BCD) Data Output
New Options and Custom Leads Available
Contact the sales department at AMPTEC
RESEARCH (phone 1-800-350-5105) if you have
need for
, a special probe, adapter, lead set, or
custom option not listed in this manual. AMPTEC’S
experienced application engineers have helped sup-
ply many customers with special igniter tester acces-
sory requirements.
This rear panel mounted isolated analog DC Voltage
output signal is directly proportional to the 620
tester's ohm display measurement. (i.e. 1.2345 VDC
for 12.345 ohms). It is used to track 620 tester mea-
surements for datalogging purposes with an external
device (i.e chart recorder, system DMM with GPIB).
Isolation protection is rated @2000 volts peak to
insure any instrument connected to "Option 500" has
virtually no impact on the 620 series tester's safety.
For applications requiring data output the 620 series
is available with “BCD”output. The measured resis-
tance readings are output via a rear panel “BCD” talk
only interface. A High- Go- Low BCD Dual Limit
Comparator is presently under development and will
be available Summer of 2001..
Option 300: 4-Wire Gold Plated Kelvin Lead Set
Option "300" is a general purpose Gold Plated
Kelvin four wire Leads for all AMPTEC 620 series
Testers. Gold plated kelvin clips provide a low
thermal EMF connection (minimizes the thermo-
couple effect) with most connections.
The Option
“300” is the recommended test lead set for any
AMPTEC Igniter Testers with a 2.0 Ohm range
(i.e models 630ES and 620ES). The 4 wire Kelvin
connection is
important when measuring less than
1.0 ohm
, and also automatically
eliminates test
lead length offset
test lead contact resistance
. Option “300” is a shielded 48" lead set
terminated in ½" opening gold plated Kelvin clips.
The option "300" can clip easily to wires, pins, and
medium size (up to ½" diameter conductors). The
dual banana plug ends connect directly to the 620
tester's front panel input terminals. (see Option
"320" for replacement Kelvin clip ends only)
Option 305: Banana-to-Banana Cable
Option "305" is a 48" shielded cable terminated in
dual banana plugs at both ends.
Option 320: Kelvin Clips
Option "320" are the gold plated kelvin clips used
on the Option "300" cable set . These clips may be
used when making custom cables or when repairing
Option "300".
Option 360: Heavy-Duty Clips
Option "360" are Gold-plated jumper cable (large
jaws) type clips used on the Option "350" cable.
They are still Kelvin Clips because the insulated
upper and lower jaw (jumper cable appearance)
integrity is maintained. These may be used when
making custom heavy duty cables that open to 1
1/2 " wide (i.e bolt heads)..