Band: Select the compatible Wi-Fi standard and speed for your
wireless network. This is typically the same
band as what the Source Network is operating on to ensure optimal performance.
# of Extended Network SSIDs: Select the number of different Extended Network SSIDs you wish to have on the
2.4GHz frequency. Each SSID will represent a network that Wi-Fi devices can see and connect to. The Range
Extender allows up to 15 SSIDs per frequency. Each SSID can have a different name, VLAN assignment and
security key. Additional SSIDs is sometimes referred to as Guest Networks. (VLAN available in Firewall Range
Extender mode only)
VLAN ID: Available in Firewall Range Extender mode only. The VLAN ID is a feature that allows you to virtually
map connected devices and secure access for each Extended Network SSID created. Devices that are
connected to an SSID with a specific VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) ID cannot access or see devices
connected to SSIDs with a different VLAN ID. For example, if SSID 1 is assigned to VLAN 1 and SSID 2 is assigned
to VLAN 2, then devices connected to SSID 1 will not be able to see or access devices or files on SSID 2 (VLAN
2). VLAN IDs can range between 1 and 4094.
Channel: Select the channel number of the 2.4GHz radio. When connected to a Source Network the channel
number of the Range Extender / Bridge MUST match that of the Source Network for normal operation.
Channel Bandwidth: Select the channel width for the 2.4GHz radio. It is recommended to match the channel
bandwidth of the Source Network for optimal operation.